Saturday, January 24, 2009

One World, One Heart


This is a world-wide blog giveaway event that you are invited to enter, whether you are a blogger or not! The main idea of this effort is to unite lovers of art, to bring bloggers together, and to let everyone know about all the beautiful things that people are we can all be inspired!!! This is a wonderful place to see what creative juices are flowing globally, and to encourage everyone to keep doing it...sharing the LOVE!
When you click on the globe "One World, One Heart" it will take you into this wonder-land where new blogs are posted daily, with prizes, until the winners are announced on February 12th.
So please leave a comment on this post (along with your email address if you don't have a blog) and enter this drawing for one of the two art prints that I, Abigail Folk, or Kage Harp are offering. And then, on February 12th we will contact the two winners!!

Our two winners will have the choice of one of the following:


Mixed media print "Frida" by Kage Harp


Mixed media print "Queen of Hearts" by Abigail Folk

We'd like to invite you to follow our new blog as we will be listing artwork weekly! Warm welcome to you!! To follow our blog, just click on
Follow our blog to receive our updates!



1 – 200 of 295   Newer›   Newest»
~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Queen of Hearts is amazing!

Please enter me and visit my blog to enter....

Glassgrrl Studios said...

Frida is particularly stunning; what rich, beautiful work you do.
Put my name in your hat, and come over to #310 on the list if you'd like to try for one of my necklaces.

Janny said...

What a great giveaways! I love them both. Please count me in and look at my Blog I have a giveaway also. Good luck with your Blog;o)

Unknown said...

wonderful prints . i love queen of hearts.
robin krieger

Digital Misfit said...

Beautiful! How would a person choose between 2 such fabulous ladies? Frida is so bold and passionate with her vibrant reds, and the Queen is beautifully regal and serene with her soft blues and purples. I would love to display either in my home.

pop by my blog for a visit and to enter my giveaway #469 on the caravan!

Moira said...

OMG these are wonderful please enter me in the draw, many thanks.

Re said...

I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Trish said...

love both of them!! said...

Would be a tough choice! Wonderful giveaway! Its nice to meet you, if you haven't already, come by and visit me, I have a giveaway also! Rachael at

Cheryl said...

Wonderful art! Please enter me and visit my blog.

Melanie said...

beautiful!thanks for such a generous giveaway,love your blog :)
mel xx

Shoshanah said...

both of these are fantastic! frida is right up my allyey, but the queen would look lovey on my wall as well!

uniquecommodities said...

Awesome! Count me in! and feel free to check out my OWOH giveaway

Tammie Lee said...

Hello Ladies,

This is so exciting. I love both of your pieces! Your blog looks wonderful. You have begun the wonderful journey of blogging, making connections and the beginnings of your charming gallery. Wishing you the best.
with love,

Sue said...

Fantastic Giveaway - I love both, but
my eldest daughter is Frida obsessed and what a fabulous gift that would be for her. I would be thrilled to be
included in your OWOH draw for these.

*smiles* from Canada


Michelle McGee said...

Love that Queen of Hearts!

Sherry Goodloe said...

I love BOTH pieces! That Frida is fab-u-lous and my favorite :)

Please enter my name in your OWOH giveaway and stop by and enter my giveaway as well. GOT ART? #73

sandee said...

Both prints are absolutely gorgeous!!! Count me in, PLEASE!!!

And if you haven't done so already, please stop by my blog and check out my giveaway:


Anonymous said...

Oh wow - what beautiful prints! I am most drawn to the Queen of Hearts. :)

And please do feel free to stop by my blog to enter my own OWOH giveaway, too!

Vie Chaotique said...

I want to qive the Queen of Hearts a place of honor in my home. and stop by my blog as well.

Katie said...

The Queen of Heart is so beautiful, I love the colors and textures.

Kaycee And Russ said...

WOW!!!!! I would have the hardest time choosing if I won! But I would figure it out lol! These are absolutely stunning!!!

kayceewilliams at gmail dot com

Gerry said...

The are so pretty. Love the Queen of Hearts~

Please count me in. And please visit my blog (I'm #98) to enter my give away.

sewfunky said...

Please enter me in the draw and don't forget to head on over to my blog to enter my OWOH giveaway too! (I'm #144 on the gypsy caravan...)

Linda said...

Love both but really am taken with Frida....Please enter me into your drawing!

Terry Spier-Kalmar said...

Lovely work -

Please enter me in the drawing.


Terry Spier

Heidi Jo said...

I like the queen- she is very regal. : )

divaqueenie said...

Your pieces are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Lisa W. said...

Wonderful! Please enter my name. I am participating also and would love for you to stop by. #223 :-)

Dr. Denise Tucker said...

OOHHHHHH I love your work. I want to win the Queen of Hearts!!! Add my name quick! And come see me at the House Mysteries.

Alice Regan said...

What a wonderful giveaway! Please do enter my name. I'm having so much fun traveling the OWOH road! I'm marveling over all the wonderfully talented artists around the globe. I do hope you pop on over to my blog to visit my OWOH giveaway!

Unknown said...

Beautiful prints! Thanks for entering me!
unforgetable_dreamer_always AT hotmail DOT com

Patti G. said...

Abigail and Kage, these are glorious! PLEASE count me in and come play at my blog too! Hugs,Patti

Belinda Manning said...

Your work is absolutely stunning. I can't wait to find my way back here again

~*~Patty S said...

Hello ~ OH MY, Frida AND Your Queen of Hearts are just so wonderful! I would Love the chance to be the lucky winner in your lovely and generous giveaway.

Thank you!

You can find me at OWOH#122

HeARTworks said...

Hi! I’m visiting from the Philippines. Your prints are delightful-Wish I win! If you haven't already, come play at my blog too!

pinkglitterfae said...

Beautiful work you two! I will definitely follow this blog!

stop by mine for a chance to win too


this is very nice ..please include me

nancye williams said...

This is wonderful. please add me to the draw.

Willnnabel said...

Please add me to your generous drawing!

Linda Sue said...

Amazingly beautiful! Please add me!

Bibi said...

wow both prints are stunning! Please include me in the draw and if you haven't yet, pop on over to as I am having one too and am moments away from revealing what it is! My email is bibtie(at)hotmail(dot)com - just in case I'm lucky enough to win :)

Shariyah said...

Mama & Kage,

What awesome gifts you both are offering!!! I would love to win BOTH of these...and if my name isn't drawn I do believe I'm going to need to buy these two prints to add to my wall! They are stunning.
I am inspired by you both.
So excited for your new little 'barn' gallery, and can't wait to see it in person!
Love much,


barb cabot said...

Thank you for your participation in such a beautiful dream...One World One Heart...why stop dreaming when you awaken? Wishing you a blessed life. Barb Cabot

Anji Gallanos said...

I love Frida Kahlo. These are gorgeous pieces. What a great way to hop around and find new blogs!! Here's my link for my giveaway too

Renee G said...

I love Queen of Hearts.


Anonymous said...

Great Art, please enter my name in the draw!

valerie2350 said...

fabulous giveaway! please enter me :)

Marilyn said...

Oh my, both prints are so incredible--just beautiful! I would love to have a chance in your drawing...please add my name, thank you!
Thank you, too, for your visit to my blog:)

Tina Leavy said...

oh how very nice. would love to be entered in the drawing. thanks for the opportunity. stop by for a visit over at my blog when you get a chance

Lana said...

How amazing! You are so talented. Thank you for being so generous!

Sanja said...

The are fabulos!Please count me in and come play at my blog too!

Saskia said...

I was just hopping from one blog to another. And so I discovered OWOH!! Great, sharing creativity all over the world!! And so... I created my own blog this week...for all of you!!

You have lovely giveaways!! Both prints are wonderful...

Someone, somewhere.. will be very happy with it... I can only dream it's me :)!!

Greetings from Belgium,


Deirdra Doan said...

The Queen is very pretty.
I will be teaching a Art and Soul and Artfiberfest for the first time this year. All of this art and bloggy world is so fun. It was nice to have you visit me. Thanks for entering me.

PattiV said...

What a Fabulous giveaway! I would love to be entered in your drawing. Please stop by and enter yourself in mine as well.

Summer Gypsy said...

Please enter me in your artsy giveaway!!! Awesome!

carylsrealm said...

Wow! Fabulous! Please include moi! And stop by my OWOH!

Mary-Beth said...

Thank you for sopping by my blog, it was nice to 'meet' you!!! What a wonderful giveaway you're having and I love both canvases, but Queen of Hearts really speaks to me!!! lol Please count me in!!!

nancy said...

welcome to the blog world abigail, you'll love it! thanks for your comment and becoming a "follower". love your mixed media work and can't wait to see more, nancy
the evolution of nancy

Peggy Parker said...

Both are gorgeous with so much depth and dimension! I would love to be entered into your drawing.

Kathy McElroy said...

Hi Abigail, I love your work. I see you are just as talented as your mother. It is so wonderful you found me. Please enter me for your drawing. It would be an honor to win a piece of your art.

daffy said...

I love queen of heart but they are both nice
please add me to your drawing
if you get the chance drop by mine at
carolyn h

simple~needs said...

please enter me!

Maggie R said...

Love your blog...and your give aways are awesome...So happy to be part of One World One Heart. Such a wonderful opportunity to meet new blogging friends.."Pick Me!!!!"
I am #100.. Come on over if you haven't already...
waving from Cold, Snowy, Southern Ontario, Canada

Unknown said...

They are both lovely!
Thank you for entering my tatting giveaway for OWOH. Good luck to you! :)

Lady Artisan said...

Queen of Hearts is gorgeous! Please enter me in the draw. Thanks! Eva

My blog (also participating in OWOH),

Doreen said...

Wonderful prints! Please enter me in your giveaway. Stop by and visit me sometime.

johanna said...

your frida is amazing!! and you know i love frida as you saw my icicle doll in the giveaway:)) lets keep our fingers crossed...

Monique Kleinhans said...

I love your artwork! Please enter my name and stop by my blog when you get a chance!
(number 94 on Lisa's List)

Anonymous said...

Oooh! These are gorgeous! Please count me in!

Evidence of an Artistic Life said...

These are fabulous!! I would love to enter, and please stop by my blog and enter also!!
chris p

Rick Rosenshein said...

Thank you for joining in the OWOH event. It is wonderful that everyone can join in and meet each other for this event. Thank you for visiting my blog. Please add my name to your event,

Tami said...

Oh my goodness-your art is incredible!!! Please count me in! Thank you.

Jennifer Jackson said...

hi aunt janine, your artwork is beautiful!

-- jennifer jackson

3rdEyeMuse said...

that would be one seriously tough choice to make - both prints are fantastic. :) please toss my name into the giveaway hat.

thank you & hapyy OWOH-ing!

Letha Richardson said...

Wonderful! Your queen of hearts is absolutely gorgeous. Please include me in your drawing. Thanks- Letha

Viola said...

Fabulous!! Please add me too! :o)

Jennifer MacNeill said...

Whoa, I love your work! Both pieces are excellent. Please come visit me if you already haven't, I'm #60.
Thank you! Jen

Holly said...

your work is so lovely - thank you for giving and creating from the heart! please add my name...

Mistress Girly said...

oh how i love frida! please enter me. thanks

Kim Mailhot said...

These are two great pieces ! A very generous giveaway ! Thanks for the chance to win ! Enjoy the OWOH lovefest ! Cheers

Unknown said...

Your blog is so pretty! I love the Queen of Hearts piece. Please include me in your drawing and come see my OWOH giveaway too, if you haven't already.

stampgram said...

Your blog is lovely...and so is your art. I am in love with the Queen of Hearts! :) Please enter me.

I am participating in the OWOH too...#563. Please stop by and visit my blog here

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm blown away with these 2 pieces of art. They are perfect!! Please enter me and in case I don't win, how do we find out where to see and buy (online) from you>??

Thank you so much.

myownplace said...

Please enter my name. And thank you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Both of these pieces are lovely.

Jocy said...

Thank you very much for your visit on my blog!
The two art prints look both great, please count me in your drawing!

seahagstudio said...

what great giveaways!!! i love them both! please drop my name in the hat! i am having a ball finding all these great new blogs. thanks,tracy

Jona Panesa said...

awesome giveaways. please enter me in your drawing.

Marie Patterson Studio said...

I entered you in my drawing for the little doll! Make sure that my name gets entered into your work!

magpie said...

thanks for visiting my owoh offering and for your kind comment.

your work is lovely and i look forward to following your blog from these beginnings. YOu've started off nicely! I went for more than i month sort of begging friends for comments. The giveaway has really amazed me, both the wonderful work I've found and the wonderful bloggers who've found me.

The discovery is really the prize. i guess that is, ideally, how we should view life...


Kit said...

Love the mixed media prints. I don't know how anyone could choose between them. Please enter my name in your giveaway and come by my blog and do the same. Thank You! Kathy

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Beautiful artwork! Please add my name to your drawing! Then come on over and enter my OWOH Giveaway too! I’d love to see you there.

Quiltmoose - Dagmar said...

Your art prints are lovely. Hard to decide which one I would prefer if I won ;-) Please include me in your drawing.
I am also participating in this wonderful event!
Please stop by if you haven't already.

Greetings from Germany,

SpiritMama said...

Beautiful artwork!
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway!

Waxela (wa-shay-la)

rubynreba said...

I like them both but probably Queen of Hearts best

khhast said...

I love the queen of hearts! Please enter me in your draw.

I have a OWOH giveaway too. Pop on over and take a look if you get the chance:

Jodi said...

Love the Queen of Hearts. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Jennifer R.D. said...

Wow!These are amazing! Congrats on your new Gallery/studio!
Thanks for enterong my giveaway!
Jennifer R.D.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Lovely Offerings ~ I would love to be included in your drawing! Please visit my blog and enter into my OWOH drawing too! Many Blessings,


Laume said...

You're making it tough, having to choose between two lovely prints.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I like both of your offerings really well. Decisions, decisions. I think I'm drawn to the lovely details in the Queen of hearts though. Please enter my name. I'd be thrilled with either one, they are both so well done. Thanks for stopping by.

Lorri said...

Wow, fabulous artwork. Please include me. I'm number 584 if you would like to join my giveaway too! :)

Dragonlady said...

I love your favorite is the Queen of Hearts....thank you for entering my giveaway...

The Joy of Nesting said...

Greetings Abigail & Kage!!

First WELCOME to Bloglandia!!!! I have only been blogging since Sept. and I have had the most amazing time and met so many Kindred Spirts :) I had no idea there are so many of us out there that just "get it" :)

What a small world Cage's painting of Frida, is Mexico's best loved artist!! Mexico is my adopted home :) I'm guessing that Whitefish is the Whitefish in Montana??? I spent the first 6 years of my career in Havre, and Helena :)

Thank you for stopping by my little casa this morning!! Please do drop by again soon. If nothing else stop be for a sun shine break!! I am enjoying reading about the birthing process of your new joint endeavour and have linked your blog to mine.

Do come again soon, and I will be by to check on you in a day or so.

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mexico

Fran S said...

love the queen of hearts!

drop by my drawing if you haven't yet

nancye williams said...

What a lovely story. the cabin will be such fun to renovate. I think there is nothing like a challenge to us artists. It's like getting ready for a new baby. Please count me in on your draw for the beautiful artwork offered.

Gaby Bee said...

What a generous giveaway! Both pieces are simply amazing! Would love to be included. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Gaby xo

Anonymous said...

I tried to post a comment last night and it would not let me do it. So here I am again. I love the piece on Frida. It is absolutely gorgeous. I have several of her books and am reading her biography. (Still not finished). Please enter me in your giveaway and thank you for stopping by for a visit.
Truly inspiring work!!


Latharia said...

What gorgeous artwork you both make! I would be delighted to have one of those pieces in my home! If am so fortunate to have my name draw, please deliver the exciting news to me at latharia{at}comcast{dot}net! Please do visit my blog, too, for my giveaway of a customized mini-album! :D

jackie said...

Both pieces are beautiful!! Please add my name.
jackie, who found your site via Kathy Mc

Angie said...

i love folk art...enter me!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing folk art - and both are just wonderful! Please enter me in your drawing. And I'm hosting a OWOH give-away too (#596 on the blogroll). Stop by if you have the chance!

Mimi said...

Queen of Hearts really speaks to me. Wonderful! Please enter me in your drawing.

Stop by & enter mine, too. I'm #640.

Have a wonderful night!

Vicki Priebe said...

Great prints. I especially love the queen of hearts. I love hearts. Please enter me in your giveaway. Be sure to enter my giveaway (#357) as well. Thank you from Alaska.
~Vicki Priebe
Wish Grantor

Jennifer Juniper said...

Frida is amazing! You two are so talented, thank you for inviting us to enter! Please come by my blog to enter if you have time. Nice to meet you :) Jen

Lorraine said...

marvellous art and great giveaways come on over to my blog and say hello and check out my giveaway

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I'm an OWOH participant too :)

Tina(Taken over by her daughter, Nicole) said...

Lovely works!! sign me up and come see me at #552

Leslie said...

Both are great ! Love to be included in your drawing, Leslie

Geekery said...

Please enter me into the draw and don't forget to head on over to my OWOH giveaway to enter mine!

Franny said...

These are both just beautiful! Thank you so much for offering them!

I would jump for joy to win something the day after my 20th anniversary!

I have never been to this event before so after seeing so many presents, I became a participant!

I am so amazed at the generosity. I am particularly moved by some of the comments that are so heartfelt.

This has really inspired me to be more creative and to blog more. I have enjoyed meeting you and getting in touch with your blog.

Come and visit me on Picklebeans!

Anonymous said...

Both lovely prints, it'd be hard to choose!
Please stick my name in the hat.
I'm giving away a collaged pendant if you'd like to enter on my blog.
Happy OWOH!

Cory said...

Beautiful pieces,,,please count me in.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your mixed media pieces are gorgeous. I especially like the way you made the dress in the second piece.

Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway also.

hfsolutions at juno dot com

Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

These are both beautiful pieces. I'm rather jealous of your new space! How amazing that you've found each other and the space in which to share your talents. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks and Good luck.

Lorrie Grainger Abdo

lawatha said...

Awww... I'd love to win the "Queen of Hearts"!


Lisa Gatz said...

Those are awesome! Please enter me in your giveaway.


Mimi Head said...

Beautiful art work! Both pieces are wonderfully unique. Please add my name to your list and thanks also for visiting my blog earlier. Yours, Emily

Anonymous said...

Love your artwork! Please add my name to your list, and if you haven't already, stop by my blog and enter my giveaway.

trisha too said...

both are lovely.
(i just read about Frida, so she really jumped out at me!!)
thank you for the chance.
owoh #177

sandtneal at mfire dot com

crazierinreallife said...

these prints are beautiful.

Please enter me in your drawing. Don't forget to stop by mine and enter my drawing.


Geralyn Gray said...

I love these......I really like The Queen of Hearts!!!!!!!

Andrea Nicole Plotts said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and entering my giveaway. I would love to join in yours as well. Your art is beautiful!


Lezlei Ann Young said...

Please enter me in your drawing.
My email:

Don't forget to stop by and enter my giveaway! I am #208.

Thanks! I'll be back!


Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

Both are cool - but I'm a long time Frida fan - so that's the one I'd pick! Thanks for the chance :)

And thanks for entering my contest! Good luck!


Corrine said...

THey're lovely, please put my name down and pop on over to my blog too
OWOH #524

Anonymous said...

Wow! Would love to invite you to my blog for One Heart One World Giveaway. shabby harbor at yahoo dot com Thank You Denise

Linda East said...

Your work is wonderful and I would love to hang one (either or of your pieces in my home. Please enter my name in your drawing and thank you so much for visiting my blog and your kink words.

Create & Share

Linda (Okla)

Dave Huddleston said...

I've got u entered...good luck and please enter me in yours...I like the queen of hearts.

Anonymous said...

both are wonderful! please add me to your drawing :-)

Magical Mule Folk Art Studio said...

Please enter me in your giveaway!! This OWOH event is soooo much fun!! Thanks, too, for stopping by my blogspot and the sweet words! Good luck to all!! Sharon Anderson - AWESOME ASS ACRES

bayrayschild said...

What absolute beautiful art!

Thank you for visiting the T.D.I.P.T. website and leaving a comment.

How fun to meet so many bloggers through this event!

Hope you will come back and visit often.

Audrey of "Bay Ray's Child".

Twisted Hare said...

Beautiful Work! Please add me too.
Thanks for taking the time to visit Twisted Hare.

Stacey said...

Beautiful!! I'd love to be included in your giveaway drawing! Thanks!

Renee said...

i am super connected to this blog. great giveaways.


Sue said...

Great giveaway and welcome to Blogland....I love the Queen of Hearts.

nathalie said...

Both of these are wonderful - I expect to see some interesting work to come on your blog. Thanks for stopping by my blog too - please toss my name in your hat - I'd love to have either one, but maybe lean a little toward Frida. Thanks again -
Nathalie Davis
nsdavisart at (#447 on the list)

Healing Expressions said...

Oh just lovely! Thanks for stopping by and I'd love to join in!
Lani Kent

Olwyn Hughes said...

wonderful! i would love either! please add my name and then come over and enter mine!

olwyn @ 620

Kerin said...

What exquisite gems these are. I would love either one and would be impossible to pick a favorite. So if I should be ever so lucky to win fate would have to decide.

The story of the birth of your gallery is fantastic! Reading your post about the little red barn is part of a chain of coincidences that has been happening for days. I sent you an email about this-- it's really quite interesting how we are all connected.

Beeshebags said...

Hi Abigail and Kage....your giveaways are missing something...that's name in the hat! lol Please do enter me, and thank you for the opportunity to win something as lovely as either of the pictures....and thank you for joining OWOH in 2009 as it has given me the opportunity to see your blog...something I would not normally have seen. Hugs Naomi from adelaide, Sth australia

nfmgirl said...

They are both lovely! Frida has brilliant colors that I love, but I am particularly fond of the Queen of Hearts. Please count me in!

Kathy said...

I love the Queen of Hearts!!!

I would love to enter (and hopefully win) your drawing!
Please drop by my blogs if you get the chance:

Linda said...

Beautiful giveaway! I love both. I would love to be entered in your drawing. My email address is:
Pasfan2000 at hotmail dot com

If you haven't already, please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway. #418


Sarah said...

Wow! Frida is stunning! Please enter me in your drawing.

Visit my OWOH post at

Deb said...

Frida for me! They are both beautiful. Sign me on for your giveaway please...and thanx for stoppin' by my blog too.

1000 Blessings of Good Karma to you!


jet1960 said...

Thanks for stopping by my giveaway. I would love to have my name thrown in the hat for either of these beautiful art prints! Gorgeous! Keeping my fingers crossed.

OWOH participant #514

Puddles of Grace said...

Abigail, thanks for entering my giveaway! I would love a chance to win the Queen of Hearts! I love the colors!

LiLi M. said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and entering my owoh give away. I love both these prints! Please enter me in your drawing.
Nice to meet you. Have a great day!

Unknown said...

You're both very talented artists! Welcome to the blogging world.
Please enter me!


My Journey to Hope said...

Oh, I LOVE your art giveaway! Such amazing mixed media pieces! Please enter me in your drawing & come check out mine, too!


Cathy Spivey Mendola said...

Please enter me and then please draw my name.
Did I mention that they are both FABULOUS!!!

B.B. Bellezza said...

Awesome! Please enter me for your drawing!!

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, too!


Anne, Bulles dorées said...

Wow fantastic giveaway !! please count me in !!!!!!!!!

Debra said...

What wonderful art pieces! Please count me in!

Diane said...

Absolutely gorgeous work. Please count me in. Thanks for visiting my blog too.

Jenn Klee said...

Wow, these are both extraordinary!!

Jann said...

Please enter me, too! I LOVE that little red building--perfect!

Wanda said...

I would love to be included. TTFN

Vicki said...

I love your prints!


Rice said...

These are both fantastic. Please enter my name in your drawing. Thank you for visiting my blog and entering mine.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the Frida piece made my heart leap, it is gorgeous! Thanks for coming to visit me and entering my contest...i can only take credit for the dolls clothes, the dolls are the work of my friend Christina at Bamboletta. Nice to meet you here:)

Bethel of Bethania said...

Wooh! Please, count me in & visit with me too…
OOroo… Bethel … from Down Under ...

Dale said...

Your freida here is so beautiful! I am so drawn to the exotic qualities... the skin tone is fabulous. Great job!

Thanks for entering my draw!

Kara said...

Thanks for popping by my blog, I would love to be entered to win this fab art, I have a perfect spot for it.

Plant Freak said...

Wow! They are both so pretty! I would be thrilled with either one!

Linda Vincent said...

I would love one of these; they are both beautiful!Thank you for visiting me....

Kathy L said...

I love your give aways! But Frida is my favorite! She has always been a muse for me! Please enter me in your give away. And thank you so much for entering mine!

Faded Plains said...

What beautiful prints! Thanks so much for sharing.

MaygreenFairies said...

Beautiful, please enter me into the draw. And thank you for visiting my blog. x said...

Just beautiful.! please enter me into your drawing and thank you for visiting my blog as well.!!
Roe from the Bronx, NY

Pam said...

I love your ladies, they are both beautiful
thanks for visiting my blog

. said...

Lovely giveaways!Please enter me in the draw!!

Oakleaf Hollow Primitives said...

Wow! Gorgeous work! Looking forward to seeing more beautiful creations! I *hearted* your new Etsy shop as well!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
OakleafHollow on Etsy

Gave That said...

Hi there Abigail & Kage!

Thank you so much for your kind words Abrigail at my place and for inviting me back to yours. Frida!!! I'm an absolute Fridaphile and your piece is gorgeous--so regal and calm. It's calming just gazing at it. Please enter me and wishing you much peace.M

. said...

Hi lovely art you do. Sign me up. Denise

Veronica said...

Wow, what an amazing give away. Please enter me into your drawing. Have a wonderful day Veronica
I am giving away a rubberstamp set so stop on by if you have a moment.
Oh my gosh your art is amazing.

Dawn said...

I would pick Queen of Hearts. Thank you for entering my name in your draw.

Oh! thanks for visiting my Gypsy Caravan #539
(ART of Humungous Proportions)

Lilla said...

I could use some new art on my walls, love the Frida art. See my blog.
Plaease enter my name for the drawing
aloha Lilla

Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh your work is stunning!! Really touched me!! Thanks for popping by mine!!!Please add me to th list!!!

Tina said...

wow - so beautiful I love this type of artwork and try to make it myself - but nothing in comparison. Please include me in your drawing and thanks for visiting my blog.


Mademoiselle Julie said...

I adore Frida - what a great print that is! Pls. enter me in your drawing for a chance to win! Cheers, Julie:

~*~Pandora's Artbox~*~ said...

I love the vibrancy of the Frida collage and calmness of the second the second one is my fave color! Please count me in and if you haven't been at my blog yet, do stop by to enter my OWOH giveaway. Thanks!

angelandspot said...

Oh how pretty. Please enter me for a chance of winning. Thank You:)

Rita'z R-tistic Ramblez said...

What a fabulous giveaway. Thanks for letting me enter and for entering in mine. What beautiful work!!!!

Viki Banaszak said...

Beautiful! Please add me to your giveaway :)

MoonWillow Art Studio said...

Well Hello from Idaho! Both of these paintings are absolutely gorgeous! Frida is one of my favorite artists...she accomplished so much despite her health challenges. If she can, I can, ya know? And the Queen...Now she would be perfect in my office right above my computer. I would be thrilled to win ;)So, yes please toss my name in the hat for your drawing! Love your blog & your work. Thanks for peeking at my blog & entering my drawing. Good Luck! Come back & visit anytime :D

OWOH #704

BumbleBee Bagz said...

thank you for the comment and count me in!

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

It would be a tough decision to choose...enter me please!

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