Monday, February 9, 2009

"Rocky Mountain Snow Ghosts" Book Signing

For the Whitefish Winter Carnival festivities, the author of the book "Rocky Mountain Snow Ghost", Patti Hirst, and I (illustrator) were
asked to be featured at the Stumptown Art Studio for a book signing.
The window displayed much of the art, as did the wall behind us in the photo, where many of the original art-pages of the book were hung. Then in the parade, one of the floats from the Whitefish Community School had some large blown up pages from the inside and cover of the book, along with a sweet group of children dressed up as snow ghosts!! It was precious!!!


Author Patti Hirst & Illustrator Abigail Folk


Stumptown Art Studio's window display


The Rocky Mountain Snow Ghosts Float!


Some precious little snow angels...


1 comment:

Kathy McElroy said...

How great is this. You must have been on cloud 9. Congratulations!