One World One Heart - A LOVE CONNECTION???
You just never know when or how love will come your way, or how you might be used to bring hearts together!! Lisa Swifka tells this beautiful story in her recent post, and I'm amazed to be apart of this story (as the match-maker)!!! As a participant in my 2nd year of Lisa's One-World One-Heart gathering of bloggers, I 'met' through an email an amazing artist June, who contacted me specifically about one of my daughter's pieces for sale. She was so friendly and her questions about my family and home in Montana, caused us to exchange a few emails. Since she lived in Santa Cruz, I couldn't stop thinking about my (single) friend Ray, also from that area. To make a long story short, I connected the two, and now their relationship is blossoming into LOVE!!! Who would have ever thought that OWOH would also be instrumental in such an amazing turn of events!! Oh and also, Lisa is good friends with June! This magic carpet ride Lisa initiated, has taken some new twists and turns this year, much to our surprise, and delight!!
what an awesome story!!
good work miss Matchmaker :-)
Abigail this is such a lovely and romantic tale. I wish these two fun and days that feel wonderful to them! We can now put matchmaker on your resume ;-}
sweet hug to you~
Well I say we put a new spin on OWOH next year....giveaways can be an item or perhaps a friend in search of a love connection! HA! You and I can helm the project!! :)
You did good my friend, they truly are sweet together!
Delightful story!
This story brings me spiritual warmth, all over tingly! Love. Ahhh!
Tell me, is there something else besides?
Beautiful and awesome post !!Fantastic words !!
Beautiful story about love.:)
It does appear at strange times and in unusual ways. I do believe there is a cupid!:)
Lovely to have found your blog.
Sweet greets,
Jo May.
What a fantastic story!! That makes the event even more important and meaningfull!!!
Hello nice posst
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